July 20, 2020
Automate Invoicing in Staffing Companies
for Higher Profits
Staffing agencies are among the top businesses that generate a lot of invoices to bill their customers. As you can see, invoicing is critical to running staffing companies and unless there is a tight control over the billing process, chances are that accounts receivables (A/R) may not receive the attention it deserves. The end result of ignoring A/R is poor cash flow, resulting in shortage of funds for regular operations and investments. Invoice automation is an area that staffing agencies must focus to prevent revenue leakages and realizing payments on time.

Staffing Business and Invoice Automation
Staffing companies operating on modern lines lay a high premium on invoice automation to checkmate irregular cash flow. Automation helps to save time spent on preparing invoices and since there is no human intervention, there is little or no possibility of errors creeping in.
Staffing agency software that readily integrate with popular accounting software such as QuickBooks are nowadays used for invoice automation.
Leading the invoicing automation software market is CONSULT ® , a popular product from Atkku. It has dozens of unbeatable features that make it indispensable for streamlining the invoicing process. It is available as SaaS and therefore does not require any expensive programs to be installed in the users’ computers.
Importance of Invoicing
What is really in invoices? Don’t all businesses use it for realizing payments? Why all this fuzz about invoices? If you take a close look at what invoices do, especially in a business like staffing agencies, you will notice that there are a large number of critical inputs that will determine the amount your company will receive. A single mistake in judgment is all it takes to lose tons of money. Typically it can be about how you calculate tax when you make an invoice, for example. It can be as simple as paying a tax when you aren’t liable at all. Herein comes invoice automation that can churn out invoice after invoice without the problems associated with manually calculating taxes.
Staffing agency software like CONSULT ® offer benefits that transcend beyond even the most complex tax calculations; for instance, you can link it to consultants providing services that can directly feed timesheets to an interface (UI) and leave the rest of the work to the software. It is truly a paperless world that you will appreciate. It is not just a A/R it goes beyond and acts as vendor management system (VMS) too that you and your team will like. Expect to experience superior productivity and consistent quality right from day one.
Act Today Itself
With so many benefits, procrastinating can only mean irreparable loss to your business in current environment where only the fittest and competitive can survive. When you choose software for automating invoicing, see to it that it is maintenance free and comes with a simple fixed price tag and no confusing text in fine print that software companies don’t want you to see. The really great automation tools like CONSULT ® come with a 14- day free trial for you to explore.